A funny incident

Marjane's family was returning home from a party, after the siren alert wailed. Her father was driving his car when he got stopped by the police. They were checking on Marjane's father, suspecting him of drinking alcohol. They even commented on how he dressed, like a Westerner, which might have made them more suspicious that he had been drinking or have possession of alcohol. They even followed the family's car to get to Marjane's house so that it could be searched for any traces of alcohol. Fortunately, Marjane's grandmother had devised a plan to trick the policemen, which is to pretend that she had diabetes and had to drink a syrup or else she would faint. The policemen believed her and let her and Marjane enter the house first. They disposed all the alcohol that was in the house and even used air fresheners to eliminate the smell of alcohol. Marjane's father then went into the house without the policemen. He said that bribing was all it took to get them to not get into the house. He also seemed to be disappointed that all his alcohol was gone as a result of this incident. I find this situation funny because of the methods they used to avoid unnecessary trouble with the policemen. I am impressed with the wit that the family had that managed to prevent the family from getting into any trouble with the authorities.

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