Marjane's childhood

Marjane's childhood was filled with many events that made this comic an interesting book to read. I find it peculiar for a young girl like her to aspire to be a prophet so that she could help others. She was also a mischievous girl when it came to fighting for what she believed to be right. One example is how she wanted to bring her friends along to attack Ramin by putting nails between their fingers, which resembled American brass knuckles. (Satrapi 45) One defining moment of her childhood which would affect Marjane's life was meeting her uncle, Anoosh. He was just released from prison and Marjane grew fond of him. He told stories to her and gave her a swan that he made in prison, out of bread. (Satrapi 61) He was then arrested and was sentenced to execution. His last wish before he died was to see Marjane for the last time. So, Marjane went to prison to visit him. It was there where Anoosh gave another swan, which he said was the first swan's uncle. This implies that Anoosh wanted to give Marjane the two swans to represent the relationship between Marjane and Anoosh. Although her time with Anoosh was not very long and was during her childhood, she had fond memories of him throughout her lifetime. This shows the extent of how important he was in her life.

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